Showing posts with label De-Colonisation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label De-Colonisation. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hongkong Some Colonial-era Postboxes History

In a rather strange turn of events, it appears the head honcho at the Post Office has declared that all Colonial-era postboxes will soon be modified to hide the Royal cipher so as not to cause "confusion" to the people of Hong Kong. Of course, the real reason is quite obvious to anyone who has witnessed China slowly turning the screws on the place since the handover - speeded up by the Occupy protest last year, no doubt - so why be all dishonest about it?

Anyway, from a personal point of view, and it's not because I'm a monarchist (because I am most definitely not), I feel these old postboxes should be valued, just like HK values it's old know what I mean! They add a lot of character to our increasingly bland surroundings, and so here are a few that I have been able to take pictures of over the years. Not many, granted, but that's because there aren't that many left. The modern replacements, like many of HK's modern buildings, are bland, boxy and quite uninspiring - I guess this is the future of HK.

Starting with the oldest one I have seen, outside Chung Chi College entrance along the Tai Po Road in Shatin. The first photos were taken in 2011.

But then, in more sensible times, the post office came along and tidied it up nicely. See the more recent pictures below taken last year (2014) showing a brand spanking new coat of paint. It looks as though they did a proper job and got rid of the old layers of paint as well. The fact that the political atmosphere has changed here so significantly in just one year shows just how much Beijing is beginning to turn the screws.

The following box is actually now a display item in a local park in Tai Po. In what must be the only example that could potentially prove confusing to passers by, this one has been left coloured red, is fenced off AND has had the slot sealed. No worries about being confusing there then.

The following one is located in Yuen Long near to Ho Hok Shan, and there is a similar one located in Lau Fau Shan village inthenorth west of the New Territories. I know there is also one of the same at the Beacon Heights development on Lung Ping Road.

Finally, because it's one of my favourites, is this one located along Boundary Street on the corner of La Salle Road.