Monday, April 14, 2014

Hongkong An Article for HK Time Out: The Avenue of Stars History

A while back I penned a small article for the local Time Out publication outlining, amongst other things, the general naffness of the Avenue of Stars - one of HK's supposedly "top" tourist draws.

The article was inspired by a series of posts I did on the old blog that looked more in depth at each of the "stars" who feature along the promenade. I'll be re-posting them here soon, but in the meantime, here is the original published article (click to zoom in). Sadly, there is no online link to the article, I don't think it made the cut for the website, but still, here it is preserved in digital format for your reading pleasure...or not.

The article ran back in April/Mat 2011 and I guess a few things have changed since then, such as Sir Run Run Shaw passing away this year in Jan 2014 - I guess he hadn't discovered the secret to eternal life after all? Another one who has sadly passed away is Lau Kar Leung (#78). He died last June (2013). More sad news was that Lau Gar Leung's adopted younger brother - Lau Kar Fai aka Gordon Liu see the bottom sidebar about who should be on there - suffered a catastrophic stroke in the summer of 2011 and has been slowly trying to recover, not helped by the fact that his former assistant has stolen all his money, amounting to millions of HK dollars. Get well soon Gordon.

On a happier note, Kara Hui (also in the bottom sidebar) has eventually made the dubious 'honour' of getting her own star on the Avenue :-)

...however, just a couple of weeks after this edition of Time Out was published, the SCMP ran a small story concerning the management of the Avenue denying that the reason Gong Li wasn't yet on there was a political decision but was due to her not having time to provide hand prints. Yeah right! On a side note, I did wander down to the Avenue again a few months ago (around Jan time) and noticed that even now, 3 years later, there is still no star or name for Gong Li, even though she is still listed as #100. Weird. 

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