Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hongkong Sign my petition to object about the desecration of WW2 site in Hong Kong History

In my post about Pillbox 2 (PB2), on the western slopes of Jardines Lookout,  I wrote about how the Water Supplies Department of the Hong Kong Government have built an ugly eye-sore of a water pipeline supported by concrete blocks right across the front of PB2. It has been constructed between the path (Wong Nai Chung Gap Battle Trail)  and the PB. What insensitivity ! Do they not know that soldiers were killed and that the wounded were put to death in this pillbox ? Maybe not. Do they care ? This is not just a war shrine that should be respected but it is a part of Hong Kong's history and heritage so much of which has been demolished, built over and destroyed by  government departments who shows little respect for Hong Kong's heritage and history. All I am asking is that the government department (Water Supplies) re-site it on the other side of the path (less than five metres away).  The government should tidy up the sites by cutting back the  undergrowth and preserving and protecting these war monuments. In 2009 the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) accorded these sites as Grade 2 status but little care has been taken since then by the Agricultural Fisheries & Conservation Dept (AFCD) who are responsible for the site. Did AFCD and AMO not object or not study the detail of the plan to lay the pipeline outside PB2. These government bodies should be protecting these sites not spoiling them. The crew of this PB and the adjacent pillbox (PB 1) deserve better than this.  If you agree please sign the on-line petition and share it. The link is below.


Latest Update (12th Dec 2016)
The Water Supplies Dept have indicated a willingness to bury or move the offending pipeline. I am waiting for confirmation of this. After that we need to put pressure on AMO and AFCD to tidy up the area, cut back the vegetation, (there are tree saplings growing out of PB 2) and replace dilapidated sign boards, and get rid of rubbish (around West Brigade HQ shelters). To better look after, preserve and protect the trail, and the war monuments. There is a bigger issue about all the other pillboxes, battery buildings ands war shelters around Hong Kong which also deserve preservation and protection.

PB 2
The pipeline outside the front of PB2

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